FLO Jaipur Chapter


Yugpurush – Mahatma Ke Mahatma

FLO Jaipur chapter introduced to the members the genre of theatre Play “ YUGPURUSH – Mahatma Ne Mahatma”. Around India this enticing play has completed 250 shows in 125 days & then introduced at Jaipur under the banner of FICCI LADIES ORGANISATION as the launch premier.
The event was attended by prominent personalities of Jaipur & the chief guest for the event was Hon’ble Chief Justice Mr. Kalpesh Satyenand Jhaveri. The event was attended by dignitaries of the city, govt. officials & bureaucrats & it was a houseful session.

“In my moments of spiritual crisis, Shrimadji was my refuge,” wrote Mahatma Gandhi in his autobiography, The Story of My Experiments with Truth. Celebrating the 150th birth anniversary of the great Indian saint and poet-philosopher, Shrimad Rajchandraji, who was a formative influence on Mahatma Gandhi, Portraying the profound relationship between the two greats, the play shows Gandhiji’s internal and external journeys unfold under the inspiration of Shrimadji’s direct interactions and insightful letters.

Chairperson Ms. Preeti Saboo shared her view on bringing this play to the FLO fraternity & shared that the vividness & the spiritual impact & relationship of Gandhi Ji & his mentor, also the most important part of the play is to understand the serenity of Gandhiji’s discipline & something what is never talked about or known is where from he gained this disciplines & how on that withholding it he lived his life, and is highly celebrated too.