YFLO Delhi


YFLO “Leading a Life of Intent and Positive Parenting” A talk by MALLIKA CHOPRA New Delhi – December 22, 2009

Flash on screen – I promise to always remember that being your mother is my most important role, I promise to hold you but never hold on to you, I promise to show you the power that love has to change the world.

Malika – an author and business women is the daughter of the famous spiritual Guru Deepak Chopra.

She shared with us her life lessons and values that she had instilled in her daughter Tara and Leela which were refreshing and as young mothers we could relate to them. As mothers we must trust and teach our children to take responsibility of their actions and we have to lead by example .

Her suggestion that the computer should always be in a public area was extremely useful.

The question and answer session was also very interesting as she patiently answered all the questions.

It was an enlightening morning – full of thoughts about love – spirituality and values which is the need of the hour today.
