FLO Jaipur Chapter


WE- Women Empowerment

The Chapter have had its successful launch of WE- Women Empowerment in Transport & Education. We were already completed with two batches of Girls trained as Drivers under MDS.

For the launch of WE, we had with us Dr. Pawan G. Agarwal, the Mumbai Dabbawala. It was a house-packed interactive management séance.

Towards the further enforcement of the agenda of WE- in education, we had with us the School Principals of Jaipur & together everyone during the launch of WE underwent the pledge-taking ceremony by Founder Chair Ms. Neeta Boochra to promote & bring in employment opportunities & security for the independent life of Women.

As we are already complied with the girls, in our event we had with us 30 girls from each initiative Security, Education & Transport. Also, for the Transport we have distributed the certificate of their successful completion of the training.

Together with the séance of Dr. Agarwal it was an very motivational & inspiring talk for all the members, the educational folk & our guest from all the tie up agencies.

Having an two phase event was a high priority. The successful formal launch of WE went all well & having Dr. Pawan Agarwal at the chapter was very influential. He is an inspiring & motivating Orator.