FLO North East Guwahati Chapter


Solarpur Art Camp

The importance of art camp participation extends well beyond helping youngsters improve their painting and sculpture talents. Whether or not they go on to become professional artists, as children learn to be creative and express their artistic abilities, they acquire important life skills that prepare them for the future. With this goal in mind, FLO NORTHEAST organised the ‘Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav’ art competition, which was held in the Harijan colony community hall in Solapur on.

About forty children competed in the art contest with great zeal. In each category, there were three Prizes and two Consolation Prizes. Prizes were based on the children’s performances; the judge was the art instructor Miss Mac. In addition to dancing, children enjoy the delicious snacks offered by Flo Northeast. The day finished with the children exhibiting confidence and everyone smiling. Members Geetanjali Kakoti, Latika Jhunjhunwala, and Kasturi Jaina Beira took the humble and compassionate initiative on behalf of the FICCI FLO N.E chapter.
