YFLO Kolkata Chapter


Open House 2013 – Coffees, Conversations and YFG (YFLO Focus Groups)

YFLO Kolkata hosted its annual Open House at Aqua Java on the 17th of July 2013. It provided a platform for individuals interested in joining YFLO to learn more about the organization. It also allowed existing members to give feedback to the committee on YFLO’s current events as well as contribute in planning the events to come. This, year at the Open house we formally introduced the structure of the YFLO Focus Groups (YFG) and answered any questions and concerns that members had. We are excited that the YFLO Focus Groups have seen a huge success with our members with over 60 members already registered for at least one YFG. The Open House saw a great turnout and members enjoyed voicing their opinions as well as networking amongst each other.
