FLO Ludhiana Chapter


New Nutrition Trends

FICCI Ladies organisation, Ludhiana Chapter organised an event with celebrity nutritionist Ms Harpreet Pasricha on New Nutrition Trends on 19th August at Glaxzy Banquet. The evening rolled out beautifully with a ‘Tasty Twist’ Contest, where participants were given a list of healthy food items, and they had to prepare some tasty and delicious recipes. Members actively participated and made some lip smacking exotic nutritious dishes.

During her talk, the nutrition expert touched upon various important topics like, the reasons as to why people are turning vegan, and why do we have more and more cases of lactose intolerance today. She also explained how certain health foods could cause and trigger sodium potassium imbalance in the body resulting in issues like bloating and water retention. She spoke about foods which are going to seek attention and be the new trend in the food industry in coming years. Also how these foods would be beneficial and how we could source them out rightly, was explained.

Sangeeta Jain, Chairperson said it was an eye opener session wherein members got a new outlook on their nutritional goals & the most updated recommendations for their wellness.

Overall it was a complete informative and engaging session well attended by over 90 members. The takeaway was ‘Nourish with food & flourish with health’.