FLO Jaipur Chapter


Musical Journey of A Bollywood Diva Ms. Shibani Kashyap

FLO Jaipur organized Musical evening with a Bollywood Diva- Ms. ShibaniKashyap . Ms. Saboo shared this event is also a part of celebrating the Joy of Giving week which is being organised in association with TOY JOY, whereby by locating three zones they have collected goods, toys & other stuffs& donations for under-privileged children contributed by members & soon they shall be going to distribute in the schools who are void of any funds.

The evening begun with the keynote from Shibani Kashyap defining Music in her own way.

She said “Music is a divine gift, it transcends all barriers, it heals its stimulates & it is extremely therapeutic. She than begun by sharing, how she went to Mumbai, the city of dream and gave her first audition. She got selected and within a year she became popular and got almost all the Awards. There were times were there was no work, but it was in that time of Low ,inner the creative skills arise &camewith the song Sajna AA Bhi Ja….(All time hit) .Ms. Shibani shared many a times we never know the actual struggle person had to undergo behind the glamourous world of entertainment, music, drama .

Ms. Kashyap mesmerized everyone with the wonderful unplugged tracks . As the evening proceeded , the the music also reached its high . The members and audience could stop themselves to swing to Ms. Kashyap tunes.

Chairperson Ms. Saboo also asked her about how she brought an inspiration to herself and sing for the social awareness, especially the dark song for the terror strike 26/11. Towards, the end everyone enjoyed the music and were rejoiced by the excellent fellowship & networking event.