FLO Vadodara


Mock Shark Tank 2.0

FICCI FLO Vadodara organized a highly successful “Mock Shark Tank 2.0” event on 30th June 2023.

The event witnessed the participation of four influential women industrialists as “sharks” and four inspiring NGOs pitching their cause to secure Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) funds. The event

aimed to foster collaboration between industrialists and NGOs, resulting in substantial financial support for the community.

The event surpassed expectations by raising an impressive amount of Rs 40 lakhs for Vadodara-based NGOs. This extraordinary achievement demonstrates the commitment and generosity of the participating industrialists, who recognized the importance of uplifting the society and making a positive impact through their CSR initiatives.

The event was graced by Mrs. Sudha Shivkumar, 40th National President of FICCI FLO, who attended as the Chief Guest. Sudhaji’s presence not only elevated the significance of the event but her speech acknowledging the vibrant and young Vadodara chapter for its enthusiasm and energy left the entire team feeling proud.

FICCI FLO Vadodara remains committed to its mission of promoting women’s empowerment, fostering entrepreneurship, and driving positive change in the community. The success of Mock Shark Tank 2.0 stands as a testament to the power of collective efforts and the transformative potential of corporate social responsibility.