FLO Chennai Chapter


Hypnotherapy – "Reincarnation and Past Lives / Life between Lives" Key Note Speaker Ms. Surekha Kothari

Ms. Surekha Kothari, the key note speaker is our member and a trained and practicing Hypnotherapist. Her session was so inspiring and an eye opener on many fronts. She shared her valuable thoughts and gave us the right dose of information. She provided us some daily practical techniques for cleansing, healing and rejuvenating oneself.
Hypnotherapy is a highly effective adjuvant and complementary approach to medical and psychological health practices. It is never intended to replace medical treatment or severe psychological treatment and can be regarded, by its emphasis on the use of internal resources for therapy, as a non-medical therapy which accomplishes its results without direct external intervention.

To some of us solving the mystery of life and finding one’s purpose becomes a mission that can take a lifetime to find in itself. Through the use of Hypnosis, be it with a minor intrigue or an intense and passionate interest, we can quickly and profoundly rediscover our purpose with which we came into this life. Such a discovery can transform one’s life from a place of blocked stagnation to one of vitality.

“We are not human beings who are here for a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings here for HUMAN experience.” Most of us live by the first sentence when the fact is that the second sentence describes us accurately.
