FLO Kolkata Chapter


Emotional well-being initiative

The topic for the same was “Enhance and Uplift your personal energy”.
The Speaker was Chitvan Malik, a passionate and accomplished teacher on natural health and wellness. She has a Master’s in Education and is the CEO & Founder of Earthrays Pvt Ltd. She is an expert and an accomplished teacher of natural health and wellness specifically frequency medicine.

Chitvan has dedicated three decades to studying various energy modalities. She is passionate about creating awareness and educating people about their well-being through holistic solutions.

Her home is in San Francisco, but she has travelled the world, meeting the experts and sharing her experiences.

Chitvan is a sought after speaker and has been invited to speak to NASA scientists on PEMF therapy,Rotary Clubs, SAARC medical panels to introduce doctors to frequency therapy, which is her expertise.

The event was held in Osteostrong (a fitness centre).

Chitvan educated the members on various ways to enhance, uplift and recharge our personal energy, how to counter the electro smog that we are constantly exposed to.

She also threw light on how to activate atoms and molecules so that everyone can reach an elevated state of wellness and high energy and how this can help in relaxation, feeling centred and grounded.

Key Takeaways from the session

1- The Wi-Fi router in homes transmit radioactive signals which harms brain health and increases stress levels so routers should be switched off in the night which will stop the circulation of these signals in the house and lead to an improvement in brain health.

2. Cell phones should not be placed in bedrooms as they transmit electrical energy.

3-The wireless AirPods are much more harmful than the wired ones so try switching back to the old wired gadgets for healing and recovery from the harmful radioactive rays which are a source of constant exposure.

Chitvan introduced the audience to a new technology to create awareness and to know the harmful effects of the gadgets the world is surrounded with, the ways to combat their negative effects.

It was a very insightful session with the crowd bubbling with questions.