FLO Mumbai Chapter


Demystifying Astrology

An excellent speaker who clarified many doubts & explained how astrology has scientific reasons for everything being followed & it is not Magic. She answered many queries put forth by the audience & also gave some tips.
Various tips :

1. No mirrors facing each other
2. Please light camphor in the house
3. Keep entrance of the house very clean. Clean your house with rock salt once in a week.
4. Put fresh flowers in the house.
5. For relationship southwest shouldnot be kept vacant.Keep pots, stone statues to make it heavy.
6. Kitchen should always be in south east if not possible keep gas stove in south east.
7. In kids room donot use bright colours, almiras- North
8. All the gods should be at one place.
9. No temple in the bedroom.
10. For stability in office south west direction should be heavy. , put heavy furniture inorder to make it heavy. Green is the colour for prosperity.

All & All enjoyable & interesting session!
