FLO Mumbai Chapter


Cycle Distribution 3rd July 2015, Maval District

FLO Mumbai Chapter distributed cycles to girls on 3rd July in Maval District. A substantial amount was also received towards the same at the Change of Guard ceremony in April. Key takeaway : Whilst distributing the 35 cycles, the school principal shared that due to a similar donation of cycles in the past, attendance of school girls had gone up, since they did not have to undertake the 5km-plus walk each way, to school. The enthusiasm amongst the children in the face of this donation to them was evident. The principal also shared that the school has got 100% results in the most recent SSC exams, showing that every effort is made to utilise facilities to the maximum. Picasa link: https://picasaweb.google.com/117430295009928404101/KamshetBicycleDistributionToiletInauguration?authuser=0&authkey=Gv1sRgCMHzjfq04I35uQE&feat=directlink
