FLO Ludhiana Chapter


Creative Parenting Session

FICCI Ladies Organisation, Ludhiana Chapter organized a ‘Creative Parenting Session’ with Saakshi Singla, consultant ‘Stimulating minds’ to gently guide the members through their parenting journey. The Creative Parenting Sessions are a part of the Parent Connect programme which is working with a vision to build a community of creative parents who are keen on helping raise thinking, creative, innovative and compassionate future generations.

Saakshi Singla spoke about Parenting being not a destination but a roller coaster ride with thrills, chills and sighs of relief. She said every time as a parent we hit a bump we realize that parenting isn’t easy as we have the humungous responsibility of Inspiring, Motivating, Disciplining, our children and Fuelling their Passions. The session included an informal exchange of ideas on topics like Parenting Best Practices, Gentle Parenting, Parenting Around the Globe, Parenting Essentials, Parenting Styles and Parenting Challenges.

Sangeeta Jain, chairperson thanked the speaker for a very engaging & interactive workshop wherein the members got very positive parenting tips about how to win arguments with the children, how to talk to them so that they listen, how to raise them as individuals with character & much more.

Overall it was a very well attended & informative session. The takeaway was that Effective Parenting is about Guiding instead of Controlling, Connecting instead of Punishing, Encouraging instead of Demanding, in short it is about Listening, Understanding, Responding & Communicating.
