FLO Ahmedabad Chapter


Checking your Aura & Balancing your chakras for peace, prosperity & happiness by Dr. Amresh Mehta (Energy Dynamics Auditor)

Dr. Amresh Mehta is one of the few leading Energy Dynamics Auditor of our country. He has a doctorate in paramedical branch of science & is a recognized expert of several knowledge systems. He is a renowned Vastu, Fengshui & Energy Dynamics Auditor who has converted hundreds of sick units into vibrant, profit earning ventures. He specializes in energy audition of properties & space & supplements them the required frequencies through the latest scientific gadgets. This de-stresses the project of the land of the unhealthy environment surrounding it to ensure vibrancy & unobstructed flow of fresh energy.

Apart from being a Vastu, Fengshui & Energy Dynamics Auditor, he is also Reiki Grand Master, Crystal Master, Specialist in Geo Biology & Geomancy, Gem Therapy, Aroma Therapy, Right Brain Activity & Meditation, Pyramid Expert, Aura Reader, Past Life Regression, Numerology, Face Reader & Destiny Analyst.
