FLO Chennai Chapter


Change Of Guard Report

After a successful completion of the tenure 2014 -15.MsParveen Papa passed on the baton to Dr. Vijaya Bharathi Rangarajan. The change of guard ceremony held on april 16, 2015 at Hyatt has brought in a new brimming executive committee comprising of SMART team – Ms. SudhaShivKumar –Senior Vice chair, Ms. Meena Mohan Treasurer, Ms. SakshiSahoonja – Joint Treasurer, Ms. RangapriyaGoutham and Ms. PreethiThiagharajan as Co – Secretaries.

The change of Guard was well attended by the members in Chennai. Mrs Indira Dutt and Mrs Surekha Khotari Past PresidentsNational, emphasized the need for Inclusive participation by members in all activities planned for the year by Dr. Vijaya Bharathi Rangarajan. Chief Guest Mr. Santosh Babu IAS& MD – Poompuhar in his address requested FICCI’s participation in training skilled manpower and retain talent to market local handicrafts and was very keen to join hands with FICCI to take this forward.

FLO Souk, comprising of 12 stalls exclusively put up by the FLO members was a big hit, as the products were very well received and appreciated by the participants.

Dr. Vijaya Rangarajan presented a bird’s eye view of the proposed activities for the forthcoming year. The year will focus on activities that will empower women at three different levels – grass roots, middle level and senior level.
