National Events


Celebrating Women: An evening of jazz, art & culture at the French Insititute in India

The French Institute in India partnered with FLO and YFLO Delhi to host an evening of jazz, art & culture on December 8, 2022 in its New Delhi premises.

The French Institute / IFI (Institut français India) is a section of the Embassy of France responsible for connecting and implementing Indo-French human exchanges.

It was a privilege for FLO to be a part of this beautiful evening at the Institut français India and celebrate the collective power of women, in a sterling amalgamation of Indian and French favour.

As India and France continues years of friendship nurtured for decades, culminating in the celebration of 75 years Indo-French diplomatic relations this year, it is even more significant that FLO and IFI collaborated for this event.

Mr Emmanuel Lebrun-Damiens, Country Director, French Institute in India and other dignitaries from IFI graced the occasion.

FLO President, Jayanti Dalmia; YFLO Delhi Chairperson, Gayatri Rai, members of the Presidium, Governing Body and other members of FLO and YFLO were present at the event.