FLO Jaipur Chapter


The Art of Self Management

FLO Jaipur chapter organised a talk session with Sister BK Shivani on “The Art of Self Management.”Chairperson Ms. Preeti Saboo organised a session on the much demanding concept of the Art of Self management. If we see into the times now, the most selling authentic books are also the Self- Help Literature.

Sister Shivani in her preaching on the Art of Self- management spoke about the resourceful energy – Mind. The Mind is like the CPU of a person which regulates all the body function & the cognitive thinking, so it becomes very important for the mind to be trained & to be in control. Scientifically a mind can process lots data more than a super computer but we have to enable ourself to develop cognitive thinking as an habit for a stressful & simple life. The Stock of energy in our mind is unlimited, we think & we get it, it’s the ability of our cognitive thinking in a positive direction that attracts the best thing for us. Negative thoughts on the contrary are very easily sprouted & both negative & positive thoughts have a thin line of difference between them. We react to our negative thoughts verbally & very easily & prompt. This is where we let the our mind disturb the entire thought process, get pain & than guilt of our words. There are four R’s that we need to learn for our betterment – Responsibility, Relationship, Roles & Resources. We have to metabolize our resource so much that we understand and are able to make priority decisions. We understand our role in life and how that can affect positively & negatively to others, what are the responsibilities that we have to fulfil. We also have the basic necessity of maintaining our human relationships. Under the entire process we understand our 4 R’s for a perfect harmony of life and happiness. This is what the art of self Management.

The event was a houseful session attended by approximately 520 members & the chairperson also briefed that it’s their 10th year celebration in January 2017. The Past chairperson from 2007 to 2015 were greeted & presented a mark of respect by Sister Shivani. She mentioned this that we can learn Management from IIM’s & various professional course from the best of world’ s University. But to learn and make a lesson to sustain in Life about Self- Management to have to stop, step back & with vivid positivity listen it from one such great preacher & Orator Sister Shivani