FLO Jaipur Chapter


"ART n WINE Appreciation" – 'Taste & Learn' by Reveilo Wines "Art Workshop" by Subrata Gangopadhyay with Artchill

A live art and painting was done by Mr. Subrata Gangopadhyay for the members.

Subrata’s paintings are like celebrations of a great human survival. The uncommon vibrancy and stimulance of each stroke of colour, the passionate imagery of men or women are ageless and ethereal : That of a superior painter’s creative latitude so incessantly prolific which never appears a cliché or a repetitive chore, rather a new blooming, a new mystic exploration.

A painter with immaculate vision, who can strike any chord of emotion of the viewer – connoisseurs at the layer, as he wishes it to be, with rare-o-magical skill of artistic execution. An all-along academic topper in his art institution, he is a gifted unfailing observer and a brilliant and magnificent painter and muralist.

‘Taste & Learn’ by Reveilo Wines with ‘Jaipur Kicthen’.

Members Tasted a selection of wine and educated themselves with one of the leading brand – Reveilo which is one of India’s leading ‘premium wine’ brands and is a product of Vintage wines. Four varieties of wine for the evening were showcased- Reveilo Chenin Blanc, Reveilo Syrah, Reveilo Chardonnay and Reveilo Cabernet Sauvignon.

An introduction to types and styles of wine, how to assess and taste wine, how to open, store and serve wine correctly was given.

50 members attented this hour long session.

The wine educator was Mr. Aveek Narula.
