FLO Jaipur Chapter


A talk by Dr. Naresh Somani on " Cancer , Emperor of all maladies and king of terror : how to kill it?"

The programme was held at Hotel Clarks Amer on Saturday, 17th March 2012 from 8:00 pm onwards followed by dinner and was attended by members and guests at large.
CANCER, just when the word strikes your ear , it is so terrifying . No doubt, it is .But there are lot of cures and measures available today to fight this dangerous disease. There are a lot of misconceptions about the disease which were cleared by Dr. Somani to a great extent. He gave the audiences a lot of tips on preventions, symptoms and cures of cancer. He also explained how can one fight with this life taking disease with patience and calm.
Dr. Naresh Somani is Senior Medical Oncologist. He did D.M. in Medical Oncology from Cancer Institute, Chennai. He also received training from Royal Adelaide Hospital, Australia in Medical Oncology, Bone Marro Transplant & Clinical Trials. He is working in BMCHRC from 1999. He also published a book “Cancer Upchar” for help of patients.
